Current diffusion modelled by THEA
THEA is primarily designed to siumulate problems involving the interaction
among current distribution, heat diffusion and cooling of a
superconducting cable. The interplay of these phenomena can lead to very
complex situations, especially because the time scales span over a large
interval, often several orders of magnitude. Few experiments exist to
validate coimputer codes in this regime. One such experiment has been
performed by L. Krempaski and C. Schmidt, and is described in Cryogenics ,
39 , pp. 23-33, (1999).
The experiment was performed on a two-strand cable prepared with a 0.3 mm
diameter, NbTi/Cu strand. The cable was twisted with a pitch of 10 mm and
soldered with Sn(50%)In. In the middle of the cable, and over a length of
approximately half a twist pitch (5 mm), a loop with a cross section of
approximately 70 mm2 was formed between the strands. The cable was wound
into a test coil, with the loop placed in the coil center, normal to the
coil axis. The coil was then placed in a background magnet providing an AC
vertical field. The AC field caused a variation of the flux linked with the
loop in the centre of the sample. This induced currents in opposite
directions in the two superconducting strands, closing through the solder
along the whole cable length (supercurrents). The supercurrent circulating
in the centre of the sample was measured by means of a Hall plate placed in
the loop. In this experiment the cable behaved as a bi-filar line with an
inductance per unit length of 0.5 mH/m. The loop in the centre of the cable
length had an estimated inductance of 0.02 mH. The transverse conductivity
per unit length was 58 MS/m. The figure below shows schematically the cable
with its central loop. Further details on the experiment, results and
interpretation can be found in the reference quoted above.
We have modelled the experiment with two thermal components coupled to two
electrical components representing the two strands. An hydraulic component, a
channel with a large cross section thermally coupled to the strands, was used to
model the helium bath. Variable electrical properties (inductance and transverse
conductivity) were taken along the cable length to model the presence of the
extra loop in the centre of the cable. Because of symmetry, only one half of the
total length was modelled. We show in the figures the comparison of
experimentally measured current and simulation results. The measurements
reported in the figures below were made with a sample length of 4.7 m and differ
only for the field sweep (reported in the inset).
![[KS_1]](./images/t_KS1.gif) |
We show in this figure a first comparison of experimentally measured
current and simulation results. The measurements reported were made
with a sample length of 4.7 m and under the field sweep reported in
the inset. A step-like field variation of 0.26 T, was applied to the
sample in a time of approximately 7.5 s. The sample was
superconducting throughout the transient, and the supercurrent
induced could circulate freely in the sample. The time constant of
the supercurrent is such that it is not fully developed during the
transient, as can be seen by the clear lack of saturation. The
agreement of measurements and simulations is excellent.
In this second figure we report the comparison in a case where the
sample length was of 1.66 m and under the field sweep reported in
the inset. The field change in this case was continuous, following a
triangular waveform with peak amplitude of 0.26 T and ramp time of
approximately 125 s. Also in this case the sample was
superconducting throughout the transient, and the field sweep was
slow enough to reach steady state conditions (see again inset). The
agreement of measurements and simulations remains excellent,
especially noting that no "geometrical" or
"electrical" parameters were adapted from the previous
case to fit data.
![[KS_2]](./images/t_KS2.gif) |
![[KS_3]](./images/t_KS3.gif) |
In the last case presented the supercurrent was induced by a 0.65 T
field sweep in 4 s. Right after the end of the sweep a 4 cm long
heater covering the center of the sample was switched on for 1.6 s.
This caused a quench of the central part of the cable, followed by a
recovery as soon as the heater was switched off. The increased
longitudinal resistance pushed the supercurrent out of the quenched
region. The supercurrent still flowed in the unquenched length of
the sample, and, as soon as the central part recovered, diffused
back into the center. In this case the agreement between
experimental and simulation results is still satisfactory, although
for this case the simulation overestimates the peak current by 20 %.
Examining in detail the figure we note that the maximum error is
found at the end of the field sweep, i.e. before the heater is
fired, and that the simulation is in good agreement with the
measurement during the first second. The difference between
simulation and experiment can be explained if we postulate that
during the strong field sweep, and above a certain field, the
strands develop a finite longitudinal resistance caused either by
onset of saturation in the filaments or by AC loss (i.e. a dynamic
resistance). These effects are not included explicitly in the model.
The simulations presented were run using meshes with 250 to 1500 linear or
parabolic elements, and adaptive time integration with second order accuracy.
The typical CPU time required to simulate the transients presented was modest,
ranging from 2 minutes to 10 minutes on a DEC-Alpha processor.