HEATER is a program for the analysis of transient and steady-state heat transfer
by heat conduction in three-dimensional solids. HEATER computes the evolution of
an initial distribution of temperature in solid materials subjected to volumetric
heating/cooling, with prescribed boundary conditions. It is based on a general
3-D finite element solver of Partial Differential Equations (PDE). The use of
finite elements allows optimal flexibility on the modeled geometry, the heat
sources and the boundary conditions considered.
- Finite element simulation of heat conduction in solids at cryogenic
temperature, subject to arbitrary heating source terms, and a combination
of temperature and heat flux boundary conditions.
- Arbitrary assembly of 1-D, 2-D and 3-D finite elements to represent
"truss", "shell" and "solid" structures, lets the user chose the
best level of simplification and approximation.
- Material properties from the CryoSoft material library are included
and can be directly referenced in the input preparation.
- The solver uses multi-step finite difference integrator in time (up
to third order accurate). Automatic time step adaptivity is used to
control the integration errors and to cope with strong variations in the
- Extensive user's defined routines to allow easy-to-use interfacing to
user's specific applications.
- Graphic (Postscript) post-processor included in the package to select
results and provide simple views of the solution.
Finite element library
The following element types are available in the present version of HEATER. A mesh can
contain an arbitrary mix of all element types, provided it respects geometric and
topologic constraints as imposed by the finite element method.
LINE: 1-D line elements (truss), linear (2 nodes) and parabolic (3 nodes)
TRIA: 2-D triangle elements (shell), linear (3 nodes) and parabolic (6 nodes)
QUAD: 2-D quadrilateral elements (shell), linear (4 nodes) and parabolic (serendipity, 8 nodes,
and lagrangian, 9 nodes)
TETR: 3-D tetrahedral elements (solid), linear (4 nodes) and parabolic (10 nodes)
PYRA: 3-D pyramid/wedge elements (solid), linear (6 nodes) and parabolic (15 nodes)
HEXA: 3-D hexahedral elements (solid), linear (8 nodes) and parabolic (20 nodes)
April 2021, version 2.1a
- Mac OSX (native development platform)
- Linux (e.g. RedHat, Fedora, Ubuntu, and other distributions)
- UNIX (e.g. AIX on RISC-6000, Solaris on Sun-Spark, DEC Alpha,
HP UX, and other)
- CYGWIN (port available to run under Windows, not supported)
On-line documentation
Download the manual in
format for the latest version of HEATER.